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Catheryne Dahlke

Catheryne-smCatheryne Dahlke is a Registered Acupuncturist and Registered TCM Practitioner, licensed with the CTCMPAO (College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario).  The CTCMPAO is the governing body established by the government of Ontario, under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 and the Traditional Chinese Medicine Act, 2006.

Catheryne additionally holds a Bachelor’s of Science degree from the University of Toronto.  She keeps up to date with the latest scientific research regarding acupuncture and herbs.  Research may illuminate how different acupuncture points affect the body and mind. Or the fascinating way that herbs are being researched to help with modern day diseases.

Ask about our wellness programs:

Fertility challenges:  Acupuncture and TCM improve fertility rates.  Acupuncture is also a clinically relevant adjunct to IVF.

Six week pain program:  Some people experience complete resolution of decades-long chronic pain in less than five treatments.

But Chinese medicine is not just about treating your symptoms. Catheryne uses TCM techniques to diagnosis the underlying root cause of your health challenges. Thus treatment consists of alleviating not only the presenting symptoms, but also of addressing causative factors.

Do you have a question about your health or the health of a loved one?  Talk to Catheryne.  See if acupuncture and Chinese medicine is appropriate for your situation.

Feel free to contact her via text message at 905-431-8217, or by email:

905-431-8217 Contact/Schedule